RCG Salesforce Topic Listener - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

map-contact-to-cimSalesforce Contacts pushtopic event message to CIM Mapping
map-customer-and-contact-points-to-cimSalesforce pushtopic event message to CIM Mapping


Salesforce Contacts pushtopic event message to CIM Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-contact-to-cim.dwl


fun getFormattedDateTime (toFormat)

Formats the date-time to the type accepted by CIM

fun isOrgAccount (isPersonAccount)

Returns whether or not the account is Organization type

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Contact to CIM Individual format

CIMSalesforce ContactDescription
idGlobal_Individual_Id__cThe global identifier of the contact in Salesforce
salutationSalutationThe salutation of the contact
personNameNameThe name of the contact
firstNameFirstNameThe first name of the contact
lastNameLastNameThe Last name of the contact
birthDateBirthdateThe birth date of the contact
partyTypeIndividualThe contact party set as "Individual"
contactPointTypeContactPointAddresscontactPointType set as "ContactPointAddress"
idnullThe contactPointAddress id set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
addressLine1MailingStreetThe mailing address of the contact
cityNameMailingCityThe mailing city of the contact
postalCodeTextMailingPostalCodeThe contact mailing postal code
stateProvinceNameMailingStateThe contact state province name
countryNameMailingCountryThe country name of the contact
geoLatitudeMailingLatitudeThe geo-latitude code of the contact
geoLongitudeMailingLongitudeThe geo-longitude code of the contact
geoAccuracyMailingGeocodeAccuracyThe geo-code accurate location of the contact
contactPointTypeContactPointEmailcontactPointType set as "ContactPointEmail"
idnullThe contactpoint id set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
emailAddressEmailThe email address of the contact
contactPointTypeContactPointPhonecontactPointType - set as "ContactPointPhone"
contactPointTypeContactIdThe contactpoint id - set as null
activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contactpoint is active - Set as current date
telephoneNumberPhoneThe phone number of the contact
externalIds.idnullId field set as null
externalIds.externalIdIdThe identifier of the contact in Salesforce
externalIds.externalIdType"SALESFORCE_CORE"The externalId Type set as "SALESFORCE_CORE"
externalIds.statusVALIDThe externalId status is set as VALID
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the contact was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedByIdIdentifies the system or user which created the contact
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the contact was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedByIdIdentifies the system or user which last updated the contact
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the contact has been soft-deleted

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Salesforce pushtopic event message to CIM Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-customer-and-contact-points-to-cim.dwl


fun getFormattedDateTime (toFormat)

Formats the date-time to the type accepted by CIM

Mapping Tables

Maps event payload from Salesforce pushtopic to CIM Customer format. The CIM Customer (PartyRole) can have either Individual or Organization as Party. The Salesforce PersonAccount is mapped as a Customer with Party as Individual in CIM. The Salesforce Account is mapped as a Customer with Party as Organization in CIM.

CIM - CustomerEvent payload from Salesforce PushtopicDescription
idGlobal_Customer_Id__cThe Global Id of the customer in MDM system
partyRoleType"Customer"The party role type - Set as "Customer"
party[0].idnullThe party identifier - Set as null
party[0].partyType"Individual"The party type - Set as Individual or Organization depending on the Account type
party[0].personNameFirstName LastNameThe Person Name in Salesforce
party[0].firstNameFirstNameThe firstname of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].lastNameLastNameThe lastname of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[0].contactPointType"ContactPointAddress"The contact point type - Set as "ContactPointAddress"
party[0].contactPoints[0].idnullThe contact point type identifier in Salesforce - Set as null
party[0].contactPoints[0].activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[0].addressLine1PersonMailingStreetThe Mailing street of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[0].cityNamePersonMailingCityThe Mailing City of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[0].postalCodeTextPersonMailingPostalCodeThe postal code of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[0].stateProvinceNamePersonMailingStateThe state province of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[0].countryNamePersonMailingCountryThe country of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[0].geoLatitudePersonMailingLatitudeThe latitude co-ordinates of the customer address
party[0].contactPoints[0].geoLongitudePersonMailingLongitudeThe longitude co-ordinates of the customer address
party[0].contactPoints[0].geoAccuracyPersonMailingGeocodeAccuracy The geo-accuracy of the customer address
party[0].contactPoints[1].contactPointType"ContactPointEmail"The contact point type - Set as "ContactPointEmail"
party[0].contactPoints[1].idnullThe contact point type identifier in Salesforce - Set as null
party[0].contactPoints[1].activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[1].emailAddressPersonEmailThe Email address of the customer in Salesforce
party[0].contactPoints[2].contactPointType"ContactPointPhone"The contact point type - Set as "ContactPointPhone"
party[0].contactPoints[2].idnullThe contact point type identifier in Salesforce - Set as null
party[0].contactPoints[2].activeFromDatenow()The date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[2].telephoneNumberPhoneThe telephone number of the customer in Salesforce
externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
externalIds[0].externalIdIdThe identifier of the customer in Salesforce
externalIds[0].externalIdType"SALESFORCE_CORE"The external identifier type - Set as "SALESFORCE_CORE"
externalIds[0].status"VALID"The status of the ExternalId - Set as "VALID"
customerNumberAccountNumberThe customer number stored in Salesforce - default as ""
customerStatus"ACTIVE"The customer Status in Salesforce - Set as Active
auditInfo.createdDategetFormattedDateTime(CreatedDate)Timestamp of when the customer was created
auditInfo.createdByCreatedByIdIdentifies the system or user which created the customer
auditInfo.updatedDategetFormattedDateTime(LastModifiedDate)Timestamp of when the customer was last updated
auditInfoupdatedByLastModifiedByIdIdentifies the system or user which last updated the customer
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the customer has been soft-deleted

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-opportunity-to-cim.dwl


fun getFormattedDateTime (toFormat)

Formats the date-time to the type accepted by CIM

Mapping Tables

Create Sales Order CIM Request mapping.

CIMSales OrderDescription
nameSenderBusinessSystemNameSales Order Name
idSalesOrderSales Order Id
orderNumberSalesOrderSales Order Number
descriptionSalesOrderItemTextSales Order Description
grandTotalAmountTotalNetAmountSales Order Total Amount
billToContactShippingPointSales Order Bill Contact
priceCalculationStatusMessageTextSalesOrderItemTextSales Order Price Status
totalAdjustedDeliveryTaxAmountTotalAdjustedDeliveryAmountSales Order Adjusted Delivery Amount
renewalUpliftRateAccountingExchangeRateSales Order Renewal Up Lift Rate
salesOrderConfirmationStatusOverallTotalDeliveryStatusSales Order Delivery Status
salesChannel DistributionChannelSales Order Sales Channel
developerStatusCodeDeliveryStatusSales Order Delivery Status
billToAccountMatlAccountAssignmentGroupSales Order Bill Account
totalProductAmountNetAmountSales Order Product Amount
originalOrderSalesOrderSales Order Original Order
billToAddressShippingPointSales Order Address Bill
shipToContactShippingPointSales Order Shipping Point
totalDeliveryAmountTotalNetAmountSales Order Delivery Amount
salesOrderType.idSalesOrderTypeSales Order Id
salesOrderType.nameSalesGroupSales Order Sales Group
externalIds.externalIdType.idSalesOrderSales Order Id
externalIds.externalIdType.nameSenderBusinessSystemNameSales Order Name
externalIds.externalIdExternalItemIDSales Order External Id
externalIds.idSalesOrderSales Order Id
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastChangeDateTimeSales Order Status Last Changed DateTime
purchaseOrderNumberPurchaseOrderByCustomerSales Order Purchase Number
orderLineItems.totalLineAmountTotalPriceSales Order TotalPrice
orderLineItems.totalUnitPriceAmountUnitPriceSales Order UnitPrice
orderLineItems.totalPriceAmountTotalPriceSales Order TotalPrice
orderLineItems.totalTaxAmount55 default
orderLineItems.orderedQuantityQuantitySales Order Quantity

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-orders-to-cim.dwl


fun getFormattedDateTime (toFormat)

Formats the date-time to the type accepted by CIM

Mapping Tables

Create Sales Order CIM Request mapping.

CIMSales OrderDescription
nameSenderBusinessSystemNameSales Order Name
idSalesOrderSales Order Id
orderNumberSalesOrderSales Order Number
descriptionSalesOrderItemTextSales Order Description
grandTotalAmountTotalNetAmountSales Order Total Amount
billToContactShippingPointSales Order Bill Contact
priceCalculationStatusMessageTextSalesOrderItemTextSales Order Price Status
totalAdjustedDeliveryTaxAmountTotalAdjustedDeliveryAmountSales Order Adjusted Delivery Amount
renewalUpliftRateAccountingExchangeRateSales Order Renewal Up Lift Rate
salesOrderConfirmationStatusOverallTotalDeliveryStatusSales Order Delivery Status
salesChannel DistributionChannelSales Order Sales Channel
developerStatusCodeDeliveryStatusSales Order Delivery Status
billToAccountMatlAccountAssignmentGroupSales Order Bill Account
totalProductAmountNetAmountSales Order Product Amount
originalOrderSalesOrderSales Order Original Order
billToAddressShippingPointSales Order Address Bill
shipToContactShippingPointSales Order Shipping Point
totalDeliveryAmountTotalNetAmountSales Order Delivery Amount
salesOrderType.idSalesOrderTypeSales Order Id
salesOrderType.nameSalesGroupSales Order Sales Group
externalIds.externalIdType.idSalesOrderSales Order Id
externalIds.externalIdType.nameSenderBusinessSystemNameSales Order Name
externalIds.externalIdExternalItemIDSales Order External Id
externalIds.idSalesOrderSales Order Id
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastChangeDateTimeSales Order Status Last Changed DateTime
purchaseOrderNumberPurchaseOrderByCustomerSales Order Purchase Number
orderLineItems.totalLineAmountTotalPriceSales Order TotalPrice
orderLineItems.totalUnitPriceAmountUnitPriceSales Order UnitPrice
orderLineItems.totalPriceAmountTotalPriceSales Order TotalPrice
orderLineItems.totalTaxAmount55 default
orderLineItems.orderedQuantityQuantitySales Order Quantity

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Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onSep 17, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.6.x

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